Valletta Software Development

Mastering the Art of IT Recruitment

Navigating the fast-paced world of IT recruitment.

Insights from Elena Gabova, our HR Expert.

Picture this

Thursday afternoon, and your PM needs 5 .NET developers for a new project by Monday. Sound familiar? Montenegro, Austria, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Turkey, Georgia, India, and many other countries – our recruitment journey spans globally, sourcing top software developers for diverse and unique projects. Our approach has led to successful hires in various tech stacks each month.

We share what successes can be achieved by working non-stop, especially if your company has double-digit growth:

  1. Broaden the candidate pool. A larger initial pool reduces hiring risks. Many candidates return over time, recognizing our readiness to welcome them.
  2. Refined selection processes. Our recruiting team continually enhances their skills, focusing on quality over quantity. This results in faster hiring of highly skilled candidates through daily practice and automation.
  3. Staying on top of IT trends. In a rapidly evolving industry, our HR team must be market-savvy, a practice we view as essential, not just an advantage.

Overcoming recruitment challenges:

  1. We strategically organize interviewer workloads, using a systematic approach to determine the optimal number of weekly interviews.
  2. Quick activation of the candidate interview process is key, especially when new projects arise.
  3. Our focus is on maintaining team morale. We do this by diversifying tasks, celebrating individual achievements, overlooking minor errors, and managing workloads effectively.

We’re on a continuous journey of improvement and learning in our recruitment process. If you’re curious about our methods or want to share your insights, we’re all ears! Let’s connect and grow together in this dynamic IT landscape:

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